Your summer to explore medicine.

Outset offers award-winning summer programs on leading college campuses for 9th-12th graders interested in STEM and pre-med.

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Watch the video from our summer 2024 program:

Why Outset?

America's trusted program for career exploration.

Outset is trusted by hundreds of families for high-quality summer education programs. Read our reviews and see why we're the leading brand.

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What is Outset?

1-week at a leading university 🏫

There is no better way to experience college than Outset. Spend a week living on campus, eating in the dining halls, and learning in classrooms.

Hands-on medical skills 🥼

Experience a medical career firsthand with guidance from real physicians, faculty, and M.D. students.

Prepare for pre-med📘

The pre-med path can seem intimidating. At Outset, we have a comprehensive curriculum designed to help you build confidence.

Lifelong friends & exciting activities☀️

Whether it's a baseball game, bowling night, or just playing cards in the dorm with friends, we want Outset to be the best week of your summer.

🚀 2025 filling fast - apply today

What alumni say:

"Outset is an amazing program for any teen interested in a career in medicine. They provide excellent simulations and speakers that help students understand better what practicing medicine looks like. There are also fun and engaging activities after a long day of learning! This (and so much more) makes Outset a great option."
Natalie Kayser, 11th grade, 2024 alum
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Typical day at Outset:


Hands-on skills taught by physicians and medical faculty.

All skills and labs are taught by medical students, physicians, and medical faculty. Learn from the best in the field.

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Customized pre-med curriculum.

Our team worked with pre-med advisors at leading universities to build a custom curriculum for our students. Build confidence before your freshman year.

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Lifelong friendships with ambitious peers.

Outset is not only about understanding careers in medicine. It's also a chance to meet likeminded peers who are interested in the same future as you.

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Summer 2025 is filling fast!

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Common Questions

Which universities are available?

In summer 2025, you can join Outset at UNC-Chapel Hill, UVA, Stanford, UCLA, UT-Austin, University of Washington, University of South Florida, and others.

What age is Outset for?

Outset is for students currently in 9th-12th grade who have a strong interest in medicine or healthcare. We do sometimes accept rising 9th graders who are exceptionally mature.

How do I apply? How competitive?

Applying online is easy: click here. Within 2 business days from starting your application you will hear from our team about next steps. Outset is competitive and we look for serious, mature high-school students with strong grades and a serious interest in medicine or healthcare.

What is the cost?

Our tuition and housing fee is $2,825 for our one-week summer programs. This includes 24/7 staff, dorm-style housing, all meals, 20+ hours of academic programming, speakers, evening activities, and activity transport. The global health summer program is $3,985. Flights or transport to/from the host university is not included.

Is there financial aid or scholarships?

Yes, if you need financial aid please indicate this on your application and fill out the aid request information. We are not able to guarantee aid but we do take every aid request seriously.

What is the camp schedule?

See typical day. Wake-up and breakfast starts around 7:45am each day and students have class, speakers, meals, and fun activities the entire day until lights out at 11:00pm. We know some students need more than 8 hours of sleep, and we encourage them to head to bed early if so. We do have limited, monitored free time blocks throughout the week as well when students can rest, exercise, or hang out with friends.

Who are the Outset instuctors?

At Outset, our faculty consists of top-tier instructors with impressive backgrounds in medical education, career guidance, healthcare operations, healthcare technology, and more. Many of our speakers are faculty, residents or staff at an associated school of medicine. We will share a full list of instructors, speakers, and background information closer to the summer program.

What is accommodation like?

We partner with student residence halls (dorms) for Outset. Rooms are  shared with one or two students of the same gender. We understand that getting a good night of sleep is critical, so if your student has trouble sleeping with another person in the room you can request a single room for an extra fee (usually $300-400). Bathrooms are shared and usually hall or suite-style. Typically the dorm has communal areas or common space where students can relax.

Are students monitored 24 hours a day?

Yes. Our camp staff and counselors live in the same buildings with our students and are available and nearby 24/7. The campuses where we host programs are also typically monitored by a dedicated campus security team. If you have any concerns about safety, please reach out to our team and discuss them ahead of time.

Do you have any 3rd party reviews?

Yes! Please see our 3rd party reviews on Trustpilot at this link.

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Jumpstart your medical career.

Are you a 9th-12th grader interested in STEM and pre-med? Jumpstart your path with Outset.

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